Mount Scopus Memorial College

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Mount Scopus Memorial College is a leading private Jewish school located in Melbourne's inner city suburb of St.Kilda East.

Our team were engaged by the management team to prepare a Landscape Masterplan and accompanying 3D animation and fly-through for the Early Learning Centre grounds and the adjoining Primary level sports precinct and adventure playground facilities. The works are a significant investment in re-freshing the existing school grounds as the school seeks to maximise the potential of the campus and offer a high standard of creative play and sporting facilities for the students and staff to enjoy.

Our role also included close consultation and liaison with the school grounds management team and key members of the teaching staff to develop the initial brief and resolve the design which features multiple nature play elements, a mud play pit, sandpits, a scooter track, new feature climbing equipment, a multi-use artificial soccer pitch and running track.

The project is scheduled for construction and completion in 2022.